Germany | 78 minutes | 2023
US Premiere
"TKUMA," a Hebrew word signifying resurrection and rebirth, serves as a symbolic representation of the post-World War II resurgence of the Jewish community in Mannheim, Germany, a city steeped in centuries of Jewish tradition. The community's heritage, much like the city's own Jewish story, is marked by a rich tapestry of migration and diversity. Director Isabel Gathof returns to the Festival for the third time with her fascinating new film TKUMAnnheim, which offers a rare and authentic glimpse into the vibrant Jewish community life in contemporary Germany. It places a special emphasis on youth activities, including Europe's largest song and dance competition for Jewish children and teenagers known as "Jewrovision," a competition that Mannheim has won twice consecutively. The film embarks on a quest to uncover the visible and invisible Jewish landmarks of the city while exploring the common threads that bind different religions and cultures. While hope is a central theme that permeates the film, from its visual aesthetics to the incorporation of traditional Hanukkah melodies in the music, the specter of anti-Semitism looms over the community and its members, casting a shadow on their collective journey.
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